Lessons learned from a Man-in-the-Middle attack

It’s become a widely accepted mantra that experiencing a cyber breach is a question of ‘when’ and not ‘if’. For Fox-IT ‘if’ became ‘when’ on Tuesday, September 19 2017, when we fell victim to a “Man-in-the-Middle” attack. As a result of the multi-layered security protection, detection and response mechanisms we had in place, the incident … Continue reading Lessons learned from a Man-in-the-Middle attack

Criminals in a festive mood

This morning the Fox-IT Security Operations Center observed a large number of phishing e-mails that contained a link to a downloadable zip file. Anyone downloading and opening that zip file would infect themselves with banking malware, that would subsequently try to lure the victim into divulging their credit card information. So far nothing new: e-mail … Continue reading Criminals in a festive mood